The Phone: Office +91(80) 22864535 Phone: Priests Quarters +91(80) 22867488 Phone: Dharamsala +91(80) 41239102
E-Mail: Trustees@bpza.org Web : http://www.bpza.org
Agiary BPZA PANTHAKY Ervad Faredoon D. Karkaria Phone : +91 9632181381 MOBED Ervad Farhad
Darayus Sanjana Phone : +91 9920170547 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Air
Chief Marshal Fali H. Major (Retd) Trustee Shereyar D. Vakil Trustee Dinshaw Cawasji Trustee Yezdi N. Unvalla Trustee Mr. Cyrus A. Nariman Trustee Mr. Hormazd F. Sholapurwala Trustee Mr. Cyrus P. Dhabhar Trustee -=-
-=- Comments and Suggestions If you have any comments, suggestions, or inquires
please E-Mail them to us. Please also tell us what you liked, what you
did not like, what you would like to see more of, what you did not care for,
ideas you have for improving our web site, or just things you would like to
see here. Last Updated on 29 September 2022 -=- President Vice President Hon. Secretary Hon.
Treasurer -=-
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